آبان بسپار توسعه

member code: 10476
Brand name: آبان بسپار توسعه
Company description: شرکت آبان بسپار توسعه در سال1372 با هدف تامین بخشی از کالای مورد نیاز عملیات زیربنایی و آماده سازی اراضی بخش کشاورزی شرکت توسعه نیشکر و صنایع جانبی در استان خوزستان شروع به فعالیت نمود.
این شرکت علاوه بر این، توانایی عرضه محصولات مورد نیاز دیگر مشتریان در امور آبرسانی و آبیاری، انتقال سیالات، فاضلاب، زهکشی، ذخیره سازی، مبلمان شهری و بسته بندی انواع مواد صنعتی و خوراکی را دارا می باشد.
ارایه خدمات مشاوره و اجرای پروژه های آبیاری و زهکشی از دیگر توانایی شرکت آبان بسپار توسعه می باشد.

Account type: Supplier and Buyer
Business type: Manufacturer  
Main markets: ایران
profile visit count: 469

Communication with the company آبان بسپار توسعه
0098**-********[show completely]
Islamic Republic of Iran
Language spoken: Persian
Responsible for communicate: abtpipe

Potential buyers of your products

پاسارگاد پلیمر صنعت

member code: 7579
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer Business service (transportation, finance, travel, ads, etc)
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: داخلی
Language spoken: Persian English

بازرگانی پزشکی آرمان بهبود آریا

member code: 11682
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

صنعتی یزد لوله

member code: 9650
0098**********-**************[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: داخلی و خارجی
Language spoken: Persian English Arabic


member code: 9350
(009***)******** *******[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer Distributor/wholesaler
Needed products: بیتوسیل  |  بیتومن
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

پارس موتور

member code: 3060
0098**********[show completely]
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer Distributor/wholesaler
Needed products: موتور الکتریکی  |  شاسی  |  شیلنگ
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: داخل و خارج
Language spoken: Persian

حرارت گستر

member code: 2891
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer Trading company
Needed products: لوله  |  تیوپ  |  چدن  |  فولاد
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: داخل ، خارج
Language spoken: Persian English

میزان بی نظیر

member code: 2825
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Needed products: ورق های فلزی  |  چرخ  |  لوله  |  ناودونی
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: داخل
Language spoken: Persian English

بنیان صنعت اول

member code: 2768
0098**********-**************[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Needed products: چدن  |  پلاستیک  |  شلنگ
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: داخلی
Language spoken: Persian

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Paniz foam Espadan

member code: 661
0313*******[show completely]
0913*******[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Language spoken: Persian English

پلیمر آریا ساسول

member code: 8685
+98 **********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران و خارج
Language spoken: Persian English

پارس مش پلیمر

member code: 8130
+98 **********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer Distributor/wholesaler
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

لفاف زرین

member code: 7555
0098**-********[show completely]
Business type: Business service (transportation, finance, travel, ads, etc)
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

پتروشیمی جم

member code: 6218
+98 **********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer Distributor/wholesaler
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران و خارج
Language spoken: Persian English

تولیدی دشت آب

member code: 5754
0098**-********,********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian

پلی تهران

member code: 2842
+98 **********[show completely]
+98 **********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer Distributor/wholesaler
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران و خارج
Language spoken: Persian English

Satrap Polymer Co.

member code: 669
9821******** - ************[show completely]
9121******[show completely]
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Language spoken: Persian English Arabic

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